The Goats


We have


The Goats Need a Swing

March 2022

I think the plan was to add a swing for McCoy - Dill decided he had a few things to say and Alan built a swing for the goats.

The Goats Need a Playscape

November 2021

I've got to find a better picture - but Alan built the goats a playscape. It's tall. Goats are small.

The Goats Need a House

September 2021

The goats are nigerian dwarf - what 18 inches tall? Why again do they need a house that is 11 feet tall?

We honestly thought that the goats and the donkeys could co-exist - ha! Our little gelding, Milo, gets a look of kill in his eyes when he sees the goats. So, we have a new fence and a new house for the goats. Good grief.

The Goats Need Toys...Even if It's Just a Board

Their first Toy

As if I didn't learn my lesson from the last Craigslist ad...I found an ad for Goats!

July 2021

Anna agrees that getting goats is a splendid idea. Alan not so much...

Meet Basil and Dill

They were born May 21, 2021 and we brought them home on August 14, 2021.

Sweet guy that we bought them from says they are perfect specimens of Nigerian Dwarfs. They are wethers and supposed to be the perfect pets.

They are full of personality - Dill is the ring leader and the boss and of course the smaller of the two. Basil is the thinker and carefully assess each situation.